A Journey Toward Wellness
A ballet dancer turned psychologist, dance educator, fitness trainer, nutrition coach & who knows what next?!
Since my hospitalization for anorexia-nervosa and my very much "in the works" recovery throughout the past sixteen years, I have combatted against my stomach from the inside out. Now, in my 27th year, it feels time to share the honest, raw reality of my digestive issues, disordered eating perspectives, and the nitty gritty of how I fight on the daily to keep myself on track.
Fuel for Success is a mix of my own experiences, what I’ve learned about gut health over the years (following my diagnoses of Crohn's disease, SIBO-C & IBS), and how I apply what I know to how I feel both physically and mentally
If you currently suffer (or have suffered) from gastrointestinal diagnoses that make you feel as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel, consider reading as I embark on a complete lifestyle change to heal my gut and live more fruitfully. Fuel for Success is a blog format and will serve as a way of exploring how nutrition, movement, and emotional states of well-being impact digestion & overall gut health. New posts every few days, with different focuses from personal hacks to recipes and more for the sole purpose of helping others - to inform, to educate, to prompt questions about one's own GI tendencies, or to simply affirm that no one is alone in this scary, frustrating process.
Disclosure: we are going to get deep, emotionally and physically. I am not afraid to talk about bowel movements, my colon, or some very unladylike bodily symptoms, so this may be too much for some. That said, I promise to be nothing short of completely and utterly open with you all.
So let's take the plunge!